About Me

helloooo! my name is beau (you know that) and i'm a minnesotan something-or-another in its mid-twenties. i have a degree thing in creative writing, but i don't use it a whole lot.

half-drowned hound came about because i wanted to join in on the personal website bandwagon - but in the cool way, not in the jumping off a bridge way. the name comes from a fear i have after being stuck underwater and from identifying heavily with dogs. i've actually been doing web dev for about half my life, but i haven't branched out much into having a personal site for whatever i like. which uh, is mostly horror!

horror is my favorite thing on earth (you know that also) and has been a major, overarching interest for most of my life. i used to be a scaredy cat, though! i was traumatized from finding a copy of egg monsters from mars (a goosebumps book) in my basement and couldn't sleep alone/in the dark for several years. except the whole time, i'd go to the school library and just stare at all the goosebumps book covers- never reading them, just looking at 'em and developing multiple new fears along the way. (i've shaken all of those, but i'm still afraid of the dark!) eventually, i started reading them ... and reading them ... and reading them ... and then i graduated to stephen king books and started binge-watching horror movies and all that stuff. it was less facing my fears and more becoming obsessed with them, i think. though it did end up desensitizing me ... mostly. i'd make a note of what my favorite horror movie is, but it's not like i'm subtle about it on here (or anywhere), lmao.

some other things i like are clangen, petz (see my links page for my petz sites!), the adventure zone, psychotraumatology & mad pride, and recreational math. in my free time, i'm mostly drawing my clangen webcomic, writing, or snuggling with my emotional support cat. there's not much to say about me, really! i'm just some guy.