Horror Hexies
I regularly mod (or 'hex', from the hex editors used before the creation of specialized software) the 90s petsim Petz 4, and I'm kinda really into making creepy stuff, obviously. You can see my whole portfolio ('archive') here, but tbh I like putting stuff on here, so here's a page for my creepy ones specifically. I have also a page on my main Petz site (check under 'crew') for horror-themed hexies other people have made that I now own.

Beetlejuice Muttlie
I made this around the time that Beetlejuice Beetlejuice came out, so I suppose I had it on the mind. The eye was originally going to 'fall out of' its socket as it aged, but that ... didn't quite work.

Beyond the Black Rainbow Dali
A request for a hexing service, given the prompts 'dark rainbow', 'space', and 'gore', among other things. I'd been meaning to make a hex inspired by the movie Beyond the Black Rainbow, which isn't a good movie, but is at least aesthetically gorgeous. So, he's this! It's ... not super accurate to the aesthetic of BTBR, but I like how it came out quite a lot.

Candy Corn Chinchi
Not so much 'horror' as it is just a general Halloween kitty, but I may as well put it here? Not to suck my own dick, but I honestly love how it came out; I'm very happy with this one.

Church Grim
Morally I don't agree with the rituals surrounding church grims, but let's be honest, the folklore behind it is pretty interesting. So, here's something inspired by it.

Dark Cat
One of my very first hexies, which I made at age 10 or 11 and named 'Dark Cat', was just... a simple black cat. I'm not super sure why I remember that, but I did want to do my younger self right by making a way cooler version. So here's one with devil wings and a little bit of spotting, plus a fluffier tail, I guess. I like to think baby Beau would be proud.

Devil Dog Dane
I made the top version in 2018 and completely forgot about it, but my old laptop's battery died and I haven't gotten around to restoring the hard drive (if I ever will). So, in late 2023, I made (and backed up) the bottom version. I like this new one better, so it all works out- though I'm still bummed about losing the first version.

Drac Dane
I'd made a custom palette colorpicked from the cover art of The Adventure Zone vs Dracula, so I figured I should make a cute little Dracula-themed dog with it. It was also a bit of an experiment with markings with two-tone palettes; I don't have much of an opinion, but my friends seemed to like it a lot!

Ecohorror Dane
Another request for a different service. This was from someone who shares my passion for horror, so I decided to make mushrooms that grow out of its eyes as it grows up- you can see a demonstration here. It was my first time playing around with that, so I thought it'd be pretty cool to do something weird and on-brand with it.

Egg Monster from Mars
From the Goosebumps book. This thing scared the everliving shit out of me when I was a kid- I was afraid of everything, and I found the book in the basement when I was all alone, so y'know, duh- and because of my weird fixation on things that scare me, it actually set me on the road to my special interest in horror. I figured at some point I'd have to commemorate it in Petz, so here it is.

Eraserhead Baby
Self-explanatory. Doesn't everyone want an Eraserhead baby of their own?

Es Alley
I made this for an event where I had to fill prompts based on the book I was reading (Es by Koji Suzuki). This one was, of course, to hex something based off of the book. I don't love how it came out, but hey, it's not a contest.

If anyone was gonna make this, it'd be me.

You wouldn't think so with how different they are from the original files, but 'floating head' types of Pokemon are actually some of the easiest to hex, so I went for this when I decided to hex some ghost Pokemon.

Ghoul Tabby
I made this one approximately a billion years ago, so I'm not sure what the context was, but I think it actually aged quite well- unlike many of the hexies I made when I was ~13. Maybe because it's so simple?

This one was based off of someone else's Fakemon, which you can check out here. I honestly kinda hate how it came out, but I don't feel like poking around at it again.

Hag Faced Hound
Based on a Petz creepypasta that I love, wherein a fucked up dog comes out of Petz and kills people. It moves like a little freak; I love it.

Imp Muttlie
Inspired by the requester's Neopet. Did you know you can make those pretty creepy? I really love how this one turned out- not to toot my own horn.

Two versions of a birthday gift for my friends! They love horror as well, so I figured I should make it weird and bloody. ^_^

Plague Doctor Meezer
So many of these are basically what they say on the tin, huh... I got the inspiration one day and made this. I always forget I put spirals on it to break up the solid texture of the fur; I kinda wanna do that again someday, but it was a bit of a hassle.

Pristine Wilderness Dali
Inspired by the Southern Reach series by Jeff Vandermeer. It's still one of the most body modification-intensive projects I've ever taken on, and I complained the whole way. Worth it, though; I kinda love how it turned out.

Pumpkinhead Dane
Not really inspired by the movie, but it made for the perfect name for the file. This one was a pain to make, but I think it came out pretty well, so whatever.

Ringu Dane
I'm always so much more willing to do major body mods when I'm high, lmao, so this one was a race against time. This is probably my favorite thing I've ever hexed, and not just because it's based off of a hyperfixation of mine. I'm just proud of it in general, really!

Sadako Dali & Meezer
... And the much less impressive Ringu-themed Petz.

Skinamarink Dali
Less recognizable as a horror hexie, but a palette mod came out in summer of 2024, so I was finally able to make a dog inspired by the Skinamarink poster. I wager it's recognizable to horror fans, at least?

I'm obsessed with smile.dog and have been since I was a kid; I latched onto it because it scared the shit out of me, and it still does a bit, ngl. This guy makes the dumbest faces, it's awesome.

The Thing
Another one of my favorite hexies I've made. It smells like a deli counter and physically hurt to make.

Uzumaki Dane
Not too horror-y, but I'm counting it, because it technically was inspired by the titular manga. Of course, this was before I learned how to make spirals, but maybe the intent still gets across. I like it, anyway.

Weird Science Dane
Inspired by a bubbling serum. I had Re-Animator in mind while I was making this, but I wouldn't say it's based off of it.

I'm a simple man. I see a Creecher™️ in a horror movie, I hex it.

Zombie Bobtail
Made for the prompt 'convince me to download Petz 5 breeds'. (The backstory for that is boring, I'll leave it out.) I'm pretty sure I succeeded, because even if it sucked, you could easily get me to download new files for a cat that's a zombie.

This page is always being expanded! Come back once in a while; you may find something new.