Ringu 0

Ringu 0 is, in one word, evil. In two words, it's fucking sadistic. If you want to see a nineteen-year-old girl be subjected to lateral misogyny, threatened by a middle-aged man, have her PTSD purposefully triggered in public, and get murdered twice, it's your lucky day! If not, that's probably more sensible than anything I've got going on.

While it's been described as a ripoff of Brian De Palma's Carrie, I found Ringu 0 to be much more than that. They do have the same barebones plot- teenage girl is bullied by her peers and then kills all of them with their psychic powers- but the ideas brought into the flesh of Ringu 0 are unique. Carrie White is one girl who happens to have psychic powers, but Sadako, being half human and half sea demon, is split into two parts: her father's daughter- demonic and hellbent on revenge- and her mother's daughter- well-meaning yet depressive- as it were. I don't mean to say it's purposefully allegorical, but the concept resonates deeply with me as someone with a... complicated relationship with both of their parents and who experiences strong structural dissociation and a feeling of 'multiplicity' in ways that neither Carrie nor any other movie I've seen encapsulates.

Comparisons aside, the artistic side of Ringu 0 is also pretty solid. The subtlety of the direction and score lend to it an eerie atmosphere that draws you in in a way that flashier direction doesn't, and it doesn't fall flat despite the simplicity. Yukie Nakama does a fantastic job portraying a sullen yet charming protagonist, and Seiichi Tanabe's Toyama is endearing, with a dynamic between them that feels natural.

Overall ... I can acknowledge that the place Ringu 0 has in my heart isn't universal, but I maintain that it's still a good movie, and it's something I won't back down on. If you're willing to make yourself a bit miserable, it's a recommendation I'll readily give.

Final Rating: 4/5 Stars